perm filename WING[0,BGB]1 blob sn#071768 filedate 1973-11-14 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00009 00003	INTRODUCTION.
C00014 00004	World Modeling.
C00019 00005	Camera Model.
C00024 00006	Body, Face, Edge, Vertex (BFEV) Modeling.
C00029 00007	BFEV Modeling. (continued).
C00032 00008	BFEV Modeling. (continued).
C00036 00009	BFEV Modeling. (continued).
C00043 00011	BFEV Modeling. (continued).
C00047 00012	Figure 2.2 - THE WINGED EDGE.
C00058 00015	The Winged Edge Operations.
C00063 00016	MIDPOINT EXAMPLE (see text on page 20).
C00065 00017	The Wing Link Operation.
C00070 00018	Part Tree Operations (continued).
C00074 00019	The Perimeter Fetch Operations.
C00078 00020	Elaborations on Winged Edge Structure.
C00092 00023	Euler Primitives.
C00096 00024	Euler Primitives.
C00099 00025	TWO EXAMPLES USING EULER PRIMITIVES. (see page 30).
C00102 00026	4. ENEW ← MKFE(V1,F,V2)
C00107 00027	Euler Primitives. (Continued).
C00114 00029	SOLID PRIMITIVES. (continued).
C00116 00030	Solid Primitives. (continued).
C00119 00031	Solid Primitives. (continued).
C00128 00034	
C00132 00035	GEOMED - a drawing program.
C00136 00036	OCCULT - a hidden line eliminator.
C00143 ENDMK

Abstract:	A winged edge polyhedron representation is stated and
a  set  of  primitives  that  preserve Euler's F-E+V = 2 equation are
explained.     Present  use  of  this  representation  in  Artificial
Intelligence  for computer graphics and world modeling is illustrated
and its intended future application to computer vision is discribed.

	A. Introduction to World Modeling.
	B. Introduction to a Camera Model.
	C. Introduction to Body, Face, Edge, Vertex Modeling.

II.  DATA STRUCTURE of Winged Edge Polyhedra.
	A. Winged Edge Structure.
	B. Winged Edge Operations.
	C. Elaborations.

III. PRIMITIVES on Polyhedra.
	A. Euler Primitives.
	B. Solid Primitives.
	C. Geometric Primitives.
	D. Image Forming Primitives.


	In order to get a computer to deal with the physical world it
must  have  a  data  representation  on  which computations involving
space, time, shape, size, and the appearance of things can  be  done.
It is my current prejudice that polyhedra provide the proper starting
point for building such a physical world representation.  At Stanford
Artificial  Intelligence,  Binford and Agin have started instead with
spine-cross section models as  an  alternate  approach  to  the  same
problems  [reference 1].    Other researchers with somewhat different
goals, are attempting to build semantic, predicate calculus,  problem
solving,  or  startegy  planning  world models.    In any event, this
paper is about a body, face, edge, vertex polyhedron  model  that  is
for  modeling  objects and scenes of objects for the sake of computer

	Although the data structure to be discussed is  not  language
dependent,  the  terminlogy  and examples will follow ALGOL and LISP.
Also, the reader is assumed to have some acquaintance with the  ideas
associated with the following technical terms:

	A: block, node, item, element, atom.
	B: link, pointer, address, reference.
	C: datum, content, value.
	D: list, ring, stack, pdl, tree.
	E: dynamic free storage & memory allocation.

A  thorough  presentation  of  these  terms and ideas can be found in
chapter two of volume one of Knuth's cookbook, `The Art  of  Computer
Programming'  [Reference 7].  The word "ring" used informally in this
paper will always mean a double pointer ring with a head; and  as  in
LISP, words of memory happen to be able to hold two pointers.

	Finally, the reader should be warned that the
advantages of using a winged edge polyhedron representation
rather than some other representation are not explicitly documented
in this paper. To formally demonstrate the advantage of
one representation over another would require running bench mark
problems on implementations of the representations in the same
language and the same environment.
However on an informal testimonial level, I feel the winged edge
World Modeling.

	I  will introduce my requirements for a computer model of the
physical world in terms of its role as a memory.    As  a  memory,  a
world  model  has  contents and an addressing mechanism. The kinds of
data that I wish to hold in my world model are:

		1. Topological data.
		2. Geometric data.
		3. Photometric data.
		4. Parts tree data.

	Topological data has to do with the notion of neighborhood; a
world model has data on what is next to what. A  face,  edge,  vertex
model is essentially dedicated to surface topology; matters of volume
topology are not stored but rather must be computed.  Geometric  data
has  to  do  with  notions  such  as  locus, length, area and volume.
Photometric data includes the locus and nature of light  sources,  as
well as data on how surfaces reflect, absorb and scatter light. Parts
tree data has to do with the notion  that  objects  are  composed  of
parts,  which  I  construe  as  data on the structure of the physical
world rather than as purely an artifact of  having  structured  world
data; that is, I prefer to have the specification of how an entity is
broken into parts be external to my world model. The  kinds  of  data
not included are semantic data (other than body names); physical data
such as mass, inertia tensors, electrical properties and so  on;  and
cultural  data  such  as whether an object is a toy, tool, or weapon;
with any artistic, religious or market value.

	Next  the  kinds of addressing mechanisms I wish to have, (or
equivalently the input-output modes of the model) are:

		1. Appearance - given a camera,  return an image of 
		   what the world would look like from that camera.
		2. Recognition - given an image, return the objects
		   from the world model  that appear in that image.
		3. Camera Solution  -  given  a  recognized  image,
		   find  the  location & orientation of the camera.
		4. Perception - given images,  from solved cameras,
		   place new bodies  into the model for portions of
		   the images  that  have not  yet been recognized.
		5. Spatial Accessing  -  given a locus  and radius,
		   return the portions  of objects  in that sphere.

Clearly,  these  are  the high level accessing requirements which are
the reasons for having a world model and the design goals  for  model
Camera Model.

	As the accessing requirements imply, a world model requires a
special  entity  called  a  camera  which  is  used  to  model  image
formation. Although the camera model is important here for a complete
specification  of the data, it may be skipped on a first reading. The
particular camera model I have been using  lately,  is  expressed  by
eighteen  real numbers involving nine degrees of freedom. First there
is the camera lens center locus:

		CX, CY, CZ,	in world coordinates.

Afixed to the lens center is the camera frame of reference with  unit
vectors  i, j and k. When the image formed by the camera is placed in
correspondence to a display screen, as illustrated in figure 1.3, the
unit  vector  i  maps  into  the  rightward positive x of the display
screen, and the unit vector j maps into the upward positive y of  the
display screen, and the unit vector k comes out of the display screen
to form a right handed coordinate system.  Together  the  three  unit
vectors of the camera are the three by three rotation matrix:

		IX, IY, IZ
		JX, JY, JZ	in world coordinates.
		KX, KY, KZ

Next,  there  are  three  scales  which  determine the correspondence
between world size and image size. Observe that the world is measured
in physical units of length like meters or feet while computer images
come in integral sizes like 1024 by 1024 or 480 rows by 512  columns,
thus  the  conversion  scales must be in terms of logical image units
per physical world units.   In an actual television camera  a  minute
image  (say  9mm  by 12mm) is formed on a vidicon tube and that image
has a particular number of rows and columns. It is the  little  image
on the vidicon that we pretend to model by the six parameters:

		LDX, LDY, LDZ		Logical raster size.
		PDX, PDY, FOCAL		Physical raster size.

Where the number named FOCAL, is the focal plane  distance  which  in
this model (with distant objects) can safely be equated with the lens
focal length and can be given in millimeters (conventional  lens  run
12.5mm  to  75mm for 1" TV).   The integer LDZ is an artifact so that
the units come out correctly in the  Z  dimension.  Thus  the  scales
factors are defined:


	This  simple  camera  model  is  used to compute vertex image
coordinates.   A more elaborate physical camera model can be found in
Sobel [reference 9].
Body, Face, Edge, Vertex (BFEV) Modeling.

	This introduction to  BFEV  modeling  will  be  informal  and
specific to the winged edge model presented in part-II of this paper.
Many  of  the  basic  numerical  relations  which  make  BFEV  models
important are stated in ALGOL notation without proof.

The Vertex.

	A  vertex  is  an  instance  of  a point in a Euclidean three
space.   The important thing about a vertex is its world locus  (with
component names XWC,YWC,ZWC standing for world-coordinates).   Vertex
locii are the basic geometric data  from which length, area,  volume,
face  vectors  and image positions can be computed. Also a Vertex may
exist simultaneously in one or more  image  spaces.  An  image  space
(with component names XPP,YPP,ZPP standing for perspective-projected)
is always three dimensional and is determined with respect to a given
camera  centered  coordinate system (with component names XCC,YCC,ZCC
standing for camera-coordinates).    The third image component,  ZPP,
is  taken  inversely  proportional to the distance of the vertex from
the camera image  plane,  ZCC.  Using  the  camera  of  the  previous
section.  The  transformation  of  a  vertex  world locus to a camera
centered locus is:

			X ← XWC - CX;
			Y ← YWC - CY;
			Z ← ZWC - CZ;

			XCC ← IX*X + IY*Y + IZ*Z;
			YCC ← JX*X + JY*Y + JZ*Z;
			ZCC ← KX*X + KY*Y + KZ*Z;

	The first three assignment statements are the translation  to
the  camera  frame's origin,  the  second  three  assignments are the
rotation to the camera frame's orientation.    Next  the  perspective
projection transformation is computed:

			ZPP ←  SCALEZ    /ZCC;

	The XPP and YPP assignments are derived by means  of  similar
triangles,  as  is  being  done  by  the  man  in figure 1.5; the Zpp
assignment  is  for  preserving  the  depth   information   and   the
colinearity of the world in the perspective projected image space. As
given, the PP frame is right handed and  vertices  in  front  of  the
camera's  image  plane will have negative Zpp; Zpp values near -FOCAL
are close to the camera and values approaching zero are far away.

	A final matter with respect to vertices is their valence. The
valence of a vertex is the number of edges that meet at the vertex. A
vertex valence of three, for example, indicates a trihedral corner.
BFEV Modeling. (continued).

The Edge.

	For  a  start, the structure of an edge need be thought of as
little more than two vertices; the topological subtlety of edges will
be  explained  later.  However,  two vertices do define the important
geometric edge data called the 2D line coefficients.  Named  AA,  BB,
CC; these coefficients are computed from the perspective locus of the
edge's endpoints as follows:

                        AA ← Y1 - Y2;
                        BB ← X2 - X1;
                        CC ← X1*Y2 - X2*Y1;

These coefficients appear  in  the  2D  equation  of  the  line  that
contains the edge:
			0 = AA*X + BB*Y + CC;

When the edge coefficients are normalized:

			L   ← SQRT(AA↑2+BB↑2);
			AA  ← AA/L;
			BB  ← BB/L;
			CC  ← CC/L;

the line equation gives the distance, of a point X,Y from the line:

			Q ← AA*X + BB*Y + CC;

The distance is actually ABS(Q), since Q is negative on one side side
of  the  line;  also if one were standing on the plane at point X1,Y1
facing X2,Y2 the Q positive half-plane would be on your left and  the
Q negative half plane would be on your right.

	An  important  operation on two edges is to detect whether or
not they intersect; this can be decided by checking first whether the
endpoints  of  one  edge are in the opposite half planes of the other
edge, and second whether the endpoints of the latter edge are in  the
opposite half planes of the first.  When both conditions obtain, then
the intersection point can be found:

			T ← (A1*B2 - A2*B1);
			X ← (B1*C2 - B2*C1)/T;
			Y ← (A2*C1 - A1*C2)/T;

An  actual  compare  for  intersection should initially check for the
identity case, and for edges with a vertex in common.
BFEV Modeling. (continued).

The Face.

	A face is a finite  region  of  plane  enclosed  by  straight
lines.   A  safe  formal  face structure could be built by defining a
triangle as three non-colinear vertices and then insisting  that  all
faces  be  triangle  interiors.   Unhappily,  BFEV  faces are usually
represented as a list of vertices and edges (or by  something  nearly
equivalent)  for  the sake of saving memory space.  Such `list' faces
are not monolithic but tend to suffer special cases  and  pathologies
such as:
		Coincident or crossing edges,
		Holes and Disjointness,
		Concavity (& Convexity),

Like edges, faces have characteristic coefficients. Face coefficients
satisfy the equation of a plane in which the face is embedded:

	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*ZZ = KK.

The equation could be divided by KK, but that is undesirable  because
the AA, BB, CC are more useful as a unit normal vector, in which case
KK is the distance of the origin from the plane.  Given the locii  of
three  non-colinear  vertices, the  coefficients  of  a  plane can be
computed by Kramer's rule as follows:

	KK    ←   X1*(Z2*Y3-Y2*Z3) 
		+ Y1*(X2*Z3-Z2*X3) 
		+ Z1*(Y2*X3-X2*Y3);
	AA    ← (Z1*(Y2-Y3) + Z2*(Y3-Y1) + Z3*(Y1-Y2));
	BB    ← (X1*(Z2-Z3) + X2*(Z3-Z1) + X3*(Z1-Z2));
	CC    ← (X1*(Y3-Y2) + X2*(Y1-Y3) + X3*(Y2-Y1));

and normalized:

	ABC ← SQRT(AA↑2 + BB↑2 + CC↑2);
	AA  ← AA/ABC;
	BB  ← BB/ABC;
	CC  ← CC/ABC;
	KK  ← KK/ABC;
If  the  given  vertices  V1,  V2,  V3  had  been taken going counter
clockwise about the face as viewed from the exterior  of  the  solid,
then the following relations obtain:

	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*Z > KK implies X,Y,Z above the plane.
	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*Z = KK implies X,Y,Z in the plane.
	AA*X + BB*Y + CC*Z < KK implies X,Y,Z below the plane.

Face coefficients prove useful in both world and image coordinates.
BFEV Modeling. (continued).


	In  elementary  geometry,  a polyhedron is said to be a solid
formed (or bounded) by plane faces; the word  "polyhedron"  literally
meaning  "many-faced".      Topologically,  simple  polyhedra satisfy
Euler's F-E+V=2 equation; where F, E and V are the number  of  faces,
edges  and vertices of the polyhedron respectively. This equation was
known to Descartes in 1640, but the first proof  wasn't  given  until
1752,  when  Euler  proved  the  relation  by  considering  the graph
corresponding to the edges of polyhedra.  A simple polyhedron is  one
homeomorphic to a sphere. The rigorous development of volume measure,
and in turn `solid' polyhedra, is not simple; thus it has been easier
to  take  the  topological  notion  F-E+V=2  as  the  more  primitive
definition of a polyhedron on which to base a data structure  and  to
proceed  towards  the  appearance  of  `solidness'  which  is  a more
complicated notion.

	Counter to the usual usuage, I define the word "body" to mean
an  entity  more  specific  than  a polyhedron; the idea being that a
polyhedron is represented by the whole structure  of  bodies,  faces,
edges  and vertices. Bodies may have location, orientation and volume
in space. Bodies may be conected to faces, edges and vertices,  which
may  or  may  not  form a complete polyhedron.  It is typical to have
only one body to a polyhedron when representing a rigid object like a
sledge  hammer and several bodies to a polyhedron when representing a
flexible object like a man. Furthermore, the body concept is used  to
handle  the  notion  of parts and abstract regional objects such as a
parking  lot.      For  example,  the  Stanford  AI  Parking  Lot  is
represented  by  a  body that has three parts:  the Near, Mid and Far
Lots. The Near Lot then has aisles and lanes and lamp islands; a lamp
island  has  a  curb  and two lamps; a lamp has a base, stem and top.
This parts structure is carried in body nodes.    Finally,  the  word
"object"  will  be  used  to  refer  to  physical  objects  such as a
redwood-tree, building, or roadway.

Figure 1.6
FACE PERIMETER - a face is surrounded by edges and vertices.

		       / \
                      /   \
                     /     \
                    /       \
             EDGE  /         \  EDGE
                  /           \
                 /    FACE     \
                /               \
               /                 \
              /                   \
      VERTEX ⊗---------------------⊗ VERTEX

Figure 1.7
VERTEX PERIMETER - a vertex is surrounded by edges and faces.

	      FACE	|      FACE
	               / \
	              /   \
	             /     \
	            /       \
		   /  FACE   \
	       EDGE    	      EDGE

Figure 1.8
EDGE PERIMETER - an edge is surrounded by 2 faces & 2 vertices.


BFEV Modeling. (continued).


	1. Accessing by name and serial number.
	2. Parts-Tree Accessing.
	3. FEV Sequential Accessing.
	4. FEV Perimeter Accessing.

	A   BFEV  model  has  four  kinds  of  accessing.   The  most
conventional BFEV access is retrieval by symbolic name which requires
a  symbol  table. Next, between bodies there is Parts-Tree accessing.
At the top of the Parts-Tree is a special body  named  the  world  to
which  all  the other bodies are attached; thus the world body serves
as an OBLIST node. Given a particular body, a list of  its  sub-parts
can  be  retrieved as well as its supra-part or "supart". A supart is
the whole entity to which a part belongs, the  world  being  its  own

	Within  each  body  there is face, edge and vertex sequential
accessing. Given a body, all its faces, or edges, or vertices need to
be  readily available since perspective projection loops thru all the
vertices, and the process of display  clipping  loops  thru  all  the
edges,  and  the act of checking for body intersection loops thru all
the faces. In LISP, one might provide  FEV  sequential  accessing  by
placing  a  list  of faces, a list of edges and a list of vertices on
the property list of each body, so that a cube might  be  represented

	(DEFPROP CUBE (E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12)EDGES)

	Finally,  among the faces, edges and vertices of a body there
is perimeter accessing. Faces have a perimeter of edges and  vertices
[figure  1.6]; less commonly used, vertices have a perimeter of edges
and faces  [figure  1.7];  and  of  particular  note,  edges  have  a
perimeter  always formed by two faces and two vertices, [figure 1.8].
Perimeter accessing requires that given a face, edge or vertex,  that
the perimeter of that entity be readily accessible. Since the surface
of a polyhedron is orientable, that is has a well defined inside  and
outside,  (Klein  bottles  with their crosscaps will not be modeled),
such perimeter lists can be ordered (say clockwise) with  respect  to
the  exterior  of the polyhedron. Perimeter accessing is mentioned in
Guzman [reference 6] and Falk [reference 4]  and  is  the  underlying
basis  of  part-II  of  this  paper which presents a polyhedron model
built for accessing and altering face, edge and vertex perimeters.
Figure 2.2 - THE WINGED EDGE.
	(As viewed from the exterior of a solid).

			\	  /
		 NCCW(E) \	 / PCW(E)
	                  \     /
	                   \   /      
	                    \ /
	                     ⊗ PVT(E)
               NFACE(E)      E         PFACE(E)
	              NVT(E) ⊗
	                    / \
	                   /   \        
	                  /     \
		  NCW(E) /	 \ PCCW(E)
			/	  \


II. A. Winged Edge Data Structure.

	Bodies, Faces, Edges and Vertices are represented  by  blocks
of  contiguously addressed words. A single block size of ten words is
adequate. A single word, like a LISP node, can hold two addresses  or
a  floating  point  number.  The  BFEV  blocks  are pointed at by the
address of their word  numbered  zero  which  contains  control  bits
indicating  whether the block is a body, face, edge or vertex. Figure
2.1 illustrates the block  format  that  is  being  presented  as  an
example  of  a  winged edge data structure; a minimal number of words
for each block is indicated.

	The  basic  geometric  datum  is  the  vertex locus, which is
stored in three words of each vertex block at positions -3,  -2,  -1;
these  positions  are  named  XWC, YWC, ZWC respectively; the letters
"WC" standing for "world coordinates".

	The basic topological data are the three rings of  the  body;
(a  ring  of  faces, a ring of edges, and a ring of vertices) and the
winged edge pointers (eight such pointers in each edge block,and  one
such  pointer  in  each  face  and  vertex block). The face, edge and
vertex ring pointers  are  stored  at  positions  +1,  +2,  +3;  each
position  has  two  names:    NFACE,  NED,  NVT for the left pointers
respectively; and PFACE, PED, PVT for the right.   A  face,  edge  or
vertex can only belong to one body and so there is only one body node
in a given face, edge or vertex ring; and that body  node  serves  as
the  head of the ring. The reason for double pointer rings is for the
sake of rapid deletion; other minor advantages would not justify  the
use of double rings.

	The  eight  WINGED  pointers  of  an edge block include:  two
pointers to the faces of that edge, two pointers to the  vertices  of
that  edge, and four pointers to the next edges clockwise and counter
clockwise in each of that edge's two faces; these last four  pointers
are  called  the  wings of that edge. As figure 2.2 suggests, four of
these eight pointers are stored in the same positions and referred to
by  the  same  names as the face and vertex ring pointers; namely the
NFACE, PFACE, NVT and PVT pointers. There are four ways  in  which  a
pair  of faces and a pair of vertices can be placed into the two face
positions and two vertex positions of an edge; by constraining  these
choices  two  bits are implicitly encoded, one bit is called the edge
parity, and the other is called the surface parity;  these  bits  are
explained  later.  Finally,  the  single winged edge pointer found in
faces and vertices is kept in the position named PED and it points to
one of the edges belonging to that face or vertex.

	Although  the  vertices  in  figure  2.2 are shown with three
edges, vertices may have any number of edges; those  other  potential
edges would not be directly connected to E and so were not shown.






1.	F ← NFACE(Q); F ← PFACE(Q);  NFACE.(F,Q); PFACE.(F,Q);
2.	E ← NED(Q);   E ← NED(Q);    NED.(E,Q);   PED.(E,Q);
3.	V ← NVT(Q);   V ← NVT(Q);    NVT.(V,Q);   PVT.(V,Q);
4.	A ← NCW(E);   A ← PCW(E);    NCW.(A,E);   PCW.(A,E);
5.	A ← NCCW(E);  A ← PCCW(E);   NCCW.(A,E);  PCCW.(A,E);


1.	WING(E1,E2);


1.	E ← ECW(E,Q);
2.	E ← ECCW(E,Q);
3.	F ← FCW(E,V);
4.	F ← FCCW(E,V);
5.	V ← VCW(E,F);
6.	V ← VCCW(E,F);
7.	Q ← OTHER(E,Q);


1.	B ← PART(B);	B ← COPART(B);
2.	B ← BODY(Q);	B ← SUPART(B);
3.	ATT(B1,B2);	ATTACH(B1,B2);
4.	DET(B);		DETACH(B);
The Winged Edge Operations.

Dynamic Storage Allocation.

	At the very bottom, of what is becoming a rather deep nest of
primitives  within primitives, are the two dynamic storage allocation
functions GETBLK and RELBLK. GETBLK allocates from 1 to 4K  words  of
memory space in a contiguous block and returns the machine address of
the first word of that block. RELBLK releases the indicated block  to
the  available free memory space. (It is sad that the machines of our
day do not come with dynamic free storage).   A  good  reference  for
implementing  such  dynamic  storage,  mentioned  earlier,  is  Knuth
[reference 7].  Although a fixed block size of ten or fewer words can
be  made  to  handle the BFEV entities, grandiose and fickle research
applications  (as  well  as  memory  use  optimization)  demand   the
flexibility of a variable block size.

BFEV Make & Kill Operations.

	Just  above  the  free storage routines are the four pairs of
make and kill operations. The MKB operation creates a body block  and
attaches it  as  a sub-part of the given body.  The world body always
exists so that MKB(WORLD) will make a body attached to the world.  In
this  paper,  the  terms `attach' and `detach' refer to operations on
the parts-tree linkages.   The FEV make operations:   MKF,  MKE,  MKV
create  the  corresponding  FEV  entities  and  place  them  in their
respective  FEV  rings  of  the  given  body.       In  the   current
implementation,  the  FEV makers set the type bits of the entity, and
increment the proper total FEV counter, as well as  the  proper  body
FEV  counter  in  the  given  body's node, (the Fcnt, Ecnt, Vcnt node
positions are shown in figure 2.3).  The kill operations:  KLB,  KLF,
KLE,  and KLV; delete the entity from its ring (or remove it from the
parts-tree), release its space by calling RELBLK, and then  decrement
the  appropriate  counters.   The body of the entity is needed by the
kill primitives and can be provide directly  as  an  argument  or  if
missing, will be found in the data by the primitive itself.

Fetch Link and Store Link Operations.

	Each of the fetch link and store link operations named in the
summary  is  a  single  machine   instruction   that   accesses   the
corresponding  link position in a node.   Once BFEV nodes exist, with
their rings and parts-tree already in place; the fetch and store link
operations are used to construct or modify a polyhedron's surface. At
this lowest level, constructing a polyhedron  requires  three  steps:
first  the two vertex and two face pointers are placed into each edge
in counter clockwise order as they appear when that  edge  is  viewed
from  the  exterior of the solid; second an edge pointer is placed in
each face and vertex, so that one can later get from a given face  or
vertex  to  one  of its edges; and third the edge wings are linked so
that all the ordered perimeter accessing operations  described  below
will work. Wing linking is facilitated by the WING operation.
MIDPOINT EXAMPLE (see text on page 20).

                 \  pvt  /
                  \     /
            nccw   \   /   pcw
                    \ /
                  V  ⊗
                ENEW |
                     | nvt
                VNEW ⊗
                     | pvt
                   E |
                    / \
             ncw   /   \   pccw
                  /     \
                 /  nvt  \


	B ← BODY(E);




	V1 ← PVT(ENEW); V2 ← NVT(E);
	XWC(VNEW) ← (XWC(V1)+XWC(V2)) * 0.5;
	YWC(VNEW) ← (YWC(V1)+YWC(V2)) * 0.5;
	ZWC(VNEW) ← (ZWC(V1)+ZWC(V2)) * 0.5;
The Wing Link Operation.

	The  WING  operation  stores edge pointers into edges so that
the face perimeters and vertex  perimeters  are  made;  and  so  that
surface  parity is preserved. Given two edges which have a vertex and
a face in common, the WING operation places the  first  edge  in  the
proper  relationship  (PCW,  NCCW,  NCW, or PCCW) with respect to the
second, and the second in the proper relationship with respect to the
first.  The  INVERT operation swaps the vertex, face, clockwise wing,
and counter clockwise wing pointers  of  an  edge.  INVERT  preserves
surface parity, but flips edge parity.

The Midpoint Example.

	In  figure  2.4 an example of how the operations given so far
could be used to code a midpoint  primitive  is  shown.  The  example
midpoint  primitive  takes  an  edge argument and splits it in two by
making a new edge and a new vertex  and  by  placing  them  into  the
polyhedron  with the topology shown in the diagram. Then the midpoint
locus is computed and the new vertex is return.  The  ALGOL  notation
used  is  SAIL,  which allows defining the character "α" as a COMMENT
delimiter and allows defining XWC as a real number from  the  special
array  named  MEMORY.  The  MEMORY  array in SAIL is the job's actual
machine memory space and gives the user the freedom of accessing  any
word in his core image.

The Parts-Tree Operations.

	As  shown  in  figure  2.1, each body node has two parts-tree
links named PART and COPART. The PART link is the head of a  list  of
sub-parts  of the body. When a body has no sub-parts the PART link is
the negative of that body's pointer;  that  is  the  body  points  at
itself.   When a body has parts, the first part is pointed at by PART
and the second is pointed at by the COPART link of the first  and  so
on  until  a negative pointer is retrieved which indicates the end of
the parts list. The negative pointer at  the  end  of  a  parts  list
points  back to the orginal body, which is the supra-part or "supart"
of all those bodies in that list.

	The parts may be accessed by its link names PART and  COPART.
Also  the  SUPART  of  a  body  returns the (positive) pointer to the
supart of a body. The BODY operation returns the body to which a face
edge  or  vertex  belongs;  this might be found by CDR'ing a FEV ring
until a body node is reached, but for the sake of speed each edge (as
shown  in  figure 2.3) has a PBODY link which points back to the body
to which the edge belongs, and since each face and vertex  points  at
an  edge, the body of an FEV entity can be retrieved by fetching only
one or two links.
Part Tree Operations (continued).

	The parts-tree is  altered  by  the  DET(B)  operation  which
removes  a body B from its supart and leaves it hanging free; and the
ATT(B1,B2) operation which places a free body B1 into the parts  list
of  a  body  B2. Since bodies are made attached to the world body and
generally  kept  attached  to  something,  two   further   parts-tree
operations  are  provided, compounding the first two in the necessary
manner.  The DETACH(B) operation DET's B from its current  owner  and
ATT's  it  to  the world; and the ATTACH(B1,B2) operation will DET B1
from its supart and attach it to a new supart.  In normal (one world)
circumstances one only needs to use ATTACH to build things.

Perimeter Fetch and Store Operations.

	There are seven perimeter fetch primitives, which when  given
an  edge  and  one  of its links will fetch another link in a certain
fashion.   Using the winged edge data structure these primitives  are
easily implemented  in a few machine instructions which test the type
bits and typically do one or  two  compares.  Clockwise  and  counter
clockwise  are  always  determined  from  the outside of a polyhedron
looking down on a particular face, edge or vertex.  I  apologize  for
the  high redundancy on the next page, but felt that it was necessary
to make the explanations independent for reference.

FIGURE 2.5 - Face Perimeter Accessing with respect to edge E.

	      VCCW(E,F) ⊗-------E-------⊗  VCW(E,F)
	                 \             /
	                  \     F     /
	              ECCW(E,F)   ECW(E,F)  
	                    \       /
	                     \     /
	                      \   /
			       \ /

FIGURE 2.6 - Vertex Perimeter Accessing with respect to edge E.

		    FCCW(E,V)	|     FCW(E,V)
				⊗ V
		               / \
		              /   \
		             /     \
		            /       \
		    ECCW(E,V)       ECW(E,V)
The Perimeter Fetch Operations.

E ← ECW(E,F); Get Edge Clockwise from E about F's perimeter.
E ← ECCW(E,F); Get Edge Counter Clockwise from E about F's perimeter.

	Given an edge and a face belonging  to  that  edge,  the  ECW
fetch  primitive  returns  the  next  edge clockwise belonging to the
given face's perimeter and the ECCW fetch primitive returns the  next
edge counter clockwise belonging to the given face's perimeter.

E ← ECW(E,V); Get Edge Clockwise from E about V's perimeter.
E ← ECCW(E,V); Get Edge Counter Clockwise from E about V's perimeter.

	Given an edge and a vertex belonging to that  edge,  the  ECW
fetch  primitive  returns  the  next  edge clockwise belonging to the
given vertex's perimeter and the ECCW  fetch  primitive  returns  the
next   edge   counter  clockwise  belonging  to  the  given  vertex's

F ← FCW(E,V); Get the face clockwise from E about V.
F ← FCCW(E,V); Get the face counter clockwise from E about V.

	Given  an  edge  and a vertex belonging to that edge, the FCW
fetch primitive returns the face clockwise from the given edge  about
the  given  vertex  and  the  FCCW  fetch  primitive returns the face
counter clockwise from the given edge about the given vertex.

V ← VCW(E,F); Get the vertex clockwise from E about F.
V ← VCCW(E,F); Get the vertex counter clockwise from E about F.

	Given  an  edge  and  a  face belonging to that edge, the VCW
fetch primitive returns the vertex  clockwise  from  the  given  edge
about  the given face and the VCCW fetch primitive returns the vertex
counter clockwise from the given edge about the given face.

F ← OTHER(E,F); Get the other face of an edge.
V ← OTHER(E,V); Get the other vertex of an edge.

	Given  an  edge  and  one  face of that edge the OTHER fetch
primitive returns the other face belonging to  that  edge.  Given  an
edge  and  one  vertex of that edge the OTHER fetch primitive returns
the other vertex belonging to that edge.
Elaborations on Winged Edge Structure.

		In  this section, some variations on the basic winged
edge structure are given.   These variations arise as adaptations for
my  application, and as unimplemented ideas for improvements.     The
adaptations, shown in figure 2.3, include adding serial  numbers  and
ALT  links  to all the faces, edges and vertices.  The serial numbers
provide another way of addressing and are  especially  useful  during
input and output. The ALT link is used for pointing to additional but
temporary data; the most elaborate ALT data  has  to  do  with  edges
during  a hidden line elimination. Sacrificing memory space for speed
and flexibility, the face and edge coefficients are  stored  in  each
node,  and the image coordinate (Xpp,Ypp,Zpp) and display coordinates
(Xdc,Ydc) are added to each vertex. In elaborate systems,  the  image
coordinates  model  a  camera  and  the  display coordinates refer to
location  on  a  display  console.    Having  two  tiers   of   image
coordinates allows scrolling about the modeled image without changing
the camera (or  heaven  forbidden,  having  to  redo  a  hidden  line
elimination).   The remaining so far unmentioned names include:   the
Tjoint  link  in  vertices  which  is  for  shadow  and  hidden  line
operations, the the QQ word in faces which contains photometric data,
and the LOCOR and PNAME links of  a  body  node,  which  point  to  a
location-orientation matrix and an ASCII print name respectively.

	Sacrificing  speed  for  the  sake  of  memory, the effect of
having most of the extra data mentioned  above  can  be  achieved  by
recomputing  it rather than fetching it. Furthermore, the winged data
structure can be made slightly smaller by eliminating  the  face  and
vertex  rings. Face and vertex sequential accessing can still be done
by having two marking bits in each face and vertex,and by then  going
thru  the edge ring looking at the two faces and two vertices of each
edge for ones that are not freshly marked. It would be nice  if  such
economizing could be done below the level of the operations.

	Besides optimizations, the next improvement idea I would like
to attempt would be to split the  notion  of  a  body  into  the  two
notions  of  a  "part" and a "cell".  Parts would have the parts tree
and names that bodies now have, whereas a cell would have volume  and
face  structure. In this hypothetical Cell, Face, Edge, Vertex (CFEV)
model, each face could point to a cell on either side of it, the cell
with  the  lower  serial  number  (or  something)  being construed as
exterior.  Cell number zero would be the infinite void of three space
in  which  everything  is embedded. The trouble with CFEV is that the
important matter of a polyhedron surface has to be salvaged;  it  can
not be abandoned, because models without good surface representations
can not predict appearance, which is one of my requirements.

     1. BNEW ← MKBFV;		make a body, face & vertex.
     2. KLBFEV(Q);		kill a body & all its pieces.
     3.	VNEW ← MKEV(F,V);	make edge & vertex.
     4.	ENEW ← MKFE(V1,F,V2);	make face & edge.
     5.	VNEW ← ESPLIT(E);	split an edge.
     6.	F    ← KLFE(ENEW);	kill face  &  edge leaving a face.
     7.	E    ← KLEV(VNEW);	kill edge & vertex leaving an edge.
     8.	V    ← KLVE(ENEW);	kill vertex & edge leaving a vertex.
     9.	B    ← GLUE(F1,F2);	glue two faces together.
*   10.	BNEW ← UNGLUE(E);	unglue along a seam containing E.


     1.	VPEAK ← PYRAMID(F); 	form a pyramid on a face.
     2.	F ← PRISM(F);		form a rectangular prism.
     3.	F ← CWPRISMOID(F)	form a clockwise prismoid.
     4.	F ← CCWPRISMOID(F);	form a counter clockwise prismoid.
     5.	ROTCOM(F);		complete a solid of rotation.
     6.	FVDUAL(B);		form face vertex dual of a body.
     7. BNEW ← MKCOPY(B);	make a copy of a body.
     8.	EVERT(B);		turn a body surface inside out.
     9.	B1 ← BUN(B1,B2);	form union of body interiors.
    10.	B1 ← BIN(B1,B2);	form intersection of body interiors.


     1.	TRANSLATE(Q,R);
     2.	ROTATE(Q,R);
     3.	DILATE(Q,R);
     4.	REFLECT(Q,R);


     3.	OCCULT(WORLD);
*    6.	B2D ← MKB2D(WINDOW,WORLD);
*    7.	B2D ← CAREYE(TV);

* under construction, Oct 1972.

	In this section a number of primitives for  doing  things  to
polyhedra  are  explained.    Although these primitives are currently
implemented using the winged edge data structure, they do not require
a  particular  polyhedron  representation.     Indeed,  many of these
primitives  were  originally  implemented  in   a   LEAP   polyhedron
representation  very  similar  to  that  of  Falk,  Feldman  and Paul
[reference 5].   Thus, the primitives of this section are on a  level
logically independent from the operations of the previous section.

	Another  aspect  of these primitives is that they can be used
as the basis of a "graphics language" or more accurately as a package
of  subroutines  for geometric modeling. In this vein, the primitives
are currently collected as a  package  called  GEOMES  for  Geometric
Modeling Embedded in SAIL; and as GEOMEL, Geometric Modeling Embedded
in LISP.  A third language, called GEOMED, arises out of the  command
language of a geometric model editor based on the primitives.

	The primitives are shown in four groups in the summary.   The
first  group,  the Euler Primitives, were inspired by Coxeter's proof
of Euler's formula, section 10.3 of [reference 2]. Although the proof
only  required three primitives, additional ones of the same ilk were
developed for convenience.   The second group  is  composed  of  some
polyhedron primitives that were coded using the Euler primitives. The
third group is for primitives that  move  bodies,  faces,  edges  and
vertices; or compute geometric values such as length and volume. This
group is underdeveloped for two reasons:  one, because  I  have  done
these  computations  ad  hoc to date; and two, because they imply the
subject of animation which is large and difficult and not of  central
importance to vision. With the exception of the camera, my worlds are
nearly (but not absolutely) static.  A  less  impoverished  geometric
group  will  be  presented  in the future. The final group, has three
well  developed  primitives  for  making  2D  images;   and   several
primitives  that when finished will realize part of the vision system
that I am trying to build.
Euler Primitives.

	As mention above, the Euler primitives are based on the Euler
Equation F-E+V = 2*B-2*H; where F, E, V, B and H stand for the number
of faces, edges, vertices, bodies and handles that exist.   The  term
"handle"  comes from topology, and is the number of well formed holes
in a surface; a sphere has no handles, a torus has one handle, and an
IBM  flowcharting  template  has  26  handles.     The Euler equation
restricts  the  possible  topologies  of  FEV  graphs  that  can   be
polyhedra;  although  such  Eulerian  polyhedra  do  not  necessarily
correspond to what we normally call  a  solid  classical  polyhedron.
Strict  adherence  to  constructing a polyhedron that satisfies Euler
equation F-E+V = 2*B - 2*H would require only four primitives:

				   	+F -E +V = 2*B - 2*H

   1.	Make Body, Face and Vertex	+1....+1....+1......
   2.	Make Edge and Vertex.		...-1 +1............
   3.	Make Face and Edge.		+1 -1...............
   4.	Glue two faces of one body.	-2 +N -N..........+1
   4.'	Glue two faces of two bodies.   -2 +N -N....-1......

However, the  four  corresponding  destructive  primitives  are  also
possible and desirable:
				   	+F -E +V = 2*B - 2*H

   1.	Kill Body, Face and Vertex	-1....-1....-1......
   2.	Kill Edge and Vertex.		...+1 -1............
   3.	Kill Face and Edge.		-1 +1...............
   4.	Unglue along a seam.	 	+2 -N +N..........-1
   4.'	Unglue along a seam.	 	-2 +N -N....+1......

And finally the operation of splitting an edge at a midpoint into two
edges became so important in  forming  T-joints  during  hidden  line
elimination  that the ESPLIT primitive was introduced in place of the
equivalent KLFE, MKEV, MKFE sequence.

	In  using  the Euler primitives, some non-classical polyhedra
are tolerated as  transitional  states  of  the  construction;  these
transitional states are called:

	Seminal Polyhedron.
	Wire Polyhedron.
	Lamina Polyhedron.
	Shell Polyhedron.
	Face with Wire Spurs on its perimeter.

A seminal polyhedron is like a point; a  wire  polyhedron  is  linear
with two ends like a single piece of wire; lamina and shell polyhedra
are surfaces, and the picturesque phrase about spurs is a restriction
on  how  faces  are  dissected  into more faces.  These terms will be
explained in more detail when they are needed.
Euler Primitives.

1. BNEW ← MKBFV;	Make Seminal Body.

	The  MKBFV  primitive  returns  a  body with one face and one
vertex and no edges. Other bodies are formed by  applying  primitives
to  the seminal MKBFV body. The seminal body is initially attached as
a part of the world.

2. KLBFEV(BNEW);	Kill Body and all its pieces.

	The  KLBFEV  primitive will detach and delete from memory the
body given as an argument as well as all its faces,  edges,  vertices
and sub-parts.

3. VNEW ← MKEV(F,V);	Make an edge and a vertex.

	The MKEV primitive takes a face, F, and a vertex, V,  of  F's
perimeter  and  it  creates a new edge, ENEW, and a new vertex, VNEW.
ENEW and VNEW are called a "wire spur" at V on F.  MKEV  returns  the
newly  made  vertex,  VNEW;  ENEW  can  be reached since PED(VNEW) is
always ENEW. Only one wire spur is allowed at V on F at a time.

	When applied to the face of a seminal body,  MKEV  forms  the
special  polyhedron called a "wire" and returns the new vertex as the
"negative" end of the wire.  A  wire  polyhedron  is  illustrated  in
figure  3.1. When applied to the negative end of a wire, MKEV extends
the wire; however if applied to any other vertex  of  the  wire, MKEV
refuses to change anything and merely returns its vertex argument.

 Figure 3.1 - A Wire Polyhedron.      Figure 3.2  -  VNEW←MKEV(F,V);

    seminal vertex ⊗ V1                          +V
    positive end  +|  of wire.                   /|\
                   | E1                         / |←←←←ENEW spur.
                  -|                           /  |  \
                   ⊗ V2                       / -VNEW \
                  +|                         /         \
                   | E2                     /     F     \
   negative end   -| of wirer              /             \
   latest vertex   ⊗ V3                   ⊗---------------⊗

	B ← MKBFV;	F ← PFACE(B);	V1 ← PVT(B);
	XWC(V1)←+1;	YWC(V1)←+1;	ZWC(V1)←-1;
	V2 ← MKEV(F,V1);	XWC(V2)←-1;
	V3 ← MKEV(F,V2);	YWC(V3)←-1;
	V4 ← MKEV(F,V3);	XWC(V4)←+1;
	F  ← MKFE(V1,F,V4);
	V1 ← MKEV(F,V1);	ZWC(V1)←+1;
	V2 ← MKEV(F,V2);
	V3 ← MKEV(F,V3);
	V4 ← MKEV(F,V4);
	E  ← MKFE(V1,F,V2);
	E  ← MKFE(V2,F,V3);
	E  ← MKFE(V3,F,V4);
	E  ← MKFE(V4,F,V1);

	V0 ← VCW(E0,F);
		V ← VCCW(E,F);
		X←X+XWC(V);	Y←Y+YWC(V);	Z←Z+ZWC(V);
		E ← ECCW(E,F);
4. ENEW ← MKFE(V1,F,V2);

	The  MKFE primitive can be thought of as a face split.  Given
a face and two of  its  vertices,  MKFE  forms  a  new  face  on  the
clockwise  side  of  the  line  V1  to V2 leaving the old face on the
counter clockwise side. V1 becomes the PVT of ENEW,  V2  becomes  the
NVT  of  ENEW, F becomes the PFACE of ENEW and FNEW becomes the NFACE
of ENEW; also ENEW becomes the PED of F and FNEW.

Figure 3.3  -  MKFE and KLFE.

           BEFORE MKFE             AFTER ENEW←MKFE(V1,F,V2)
            ⊗       ⊗                     ⊗       ⊗             
           / \     / \                   / \     / \            
          /   \   /   \                 /   \   /   \           
         /     \ /     \               /     \ /     \          
        /       ⊗       \             /      +V1      \         
       /                 \           / -FNEW  |  +F    \        
      ⊗         F         ⊗         ⊗         |←←←ENEW  ⊗       
       \                 /           \        |        /        
        \       ⊗       /             \      -V2      /         
         \     / \     /               \     / \     /          
          \   /   \   /                 \   /   \   /           
           \ /     \ /                   \ /     \ /            
            ⊗       ⊗                     ⊗       ⊗             
       AFTER F←KLFE(ENEW);               BEFORE KLFE

	MKFE is also used to join  the two ends of a wire  polyhedron
to form a "lamina"; or the two ends of wire spurs to split a face; or
an end of a wire spur and a regular perimeter vertex to split a face.
A "lamina polyhedron" has only two faces and thus no volume.


	The use of the primitives discussed so far is illustrated  by
the  example  subroutines  in  figure  3.4  on page 29. The make cube
subroutine starts by placing a seminal vertex at (1,1,1); Then a wire
of three edges is made using the MKEV primitive. As the code implies,
MKEV places its new vertex at the locus of the old one.  The ends  of
the  wire  are joined with a MKFE to form a lamina polyhedron, then a
spur is placed on each of the vertices of the lamina, and finally the
spurs are joined.

	The  pyramid  example  is more realistic, since polyhedra are
not generated ex nihil, but rather arise out of the  vision  routines
and  the geometric editor. PYRAMID takes a face as an argument (which
is assumed to have no spurs) and runs a spur from one vertex  to  the
middle  of the faces, then all the remaining vertices of the face are
joined to that spur to form a pyramid.
Euler Primitives. (Continued).

5. VNEW ← ESPLIT(E);	Edge Split.

	This  primitive  splits  an edge by making a new vertex and a
new edge. Its implementation is very similar to the midpoint  example
on page 19. ESPLIT is heavily used in the hidden line eliminator.

6. F ← KLFE(ENEW);	Kill Face Edge.

	This primitive Kills a face and an  edge  leaving  one  face.
Since  this primitive is intended to be an inverse of MKFE, the NFACE
of ENEW is killed. However the NFACE and PFACE  of  an  edge  may  be
swapped by using the INVERT(E) primitive. See Figure 3.3 for KLFE.

7. E ← KLEV(VNEW);	Kill Edge Vertex.

	This primitive kills an edge and a vertex leaving  one  edge.
This primitive will eliminate spurs made with MKEV and midpoints made
with ESPLIT; in a pure form it would have to leave  vertices  with  a
valence  greater than two untouched, however it in fact "un-pyramids"
them with a series of KLFE's and then kills the remaining spur.

8. V ← KLVE(ENEW);	Kill Vertex Edge.

	This primitive kills a vertex and an edge leaving one vertex.
This primitive is the face-vertex dual of  KLFE,  namely  instead  of
killing  NFACE  of  E and fixing up PFACE's perimeter, KLEV kills the
NVT of E and fixes up PVT of E's perimeter.

9. B ← GLUE(F1,F2);	Glue two faces.

	This  primitive glues two faces together forming one new body
out of two old ones (the body of F1 survives) or forming a handle  on
the given body. The number of edges in the two faces must be the same
and their orientation should be opposite (exterior to exterior).

*10. BNEW ← UNGLUE(E);	Unglue along seam.	*not implemented.

	This  primitive  unglues  along  the  seam  containing E. The
UNGLUE primitive requires that a loop of edges be marked as a  "seam"
along  which unglue will form two opposite faces.  The marks are made
in the temporary type bit in the edge nodes of the  given  body.   If
the  cut  forms  two  disjoint  bodies then a new body is made on the
NFACE side of the original E argument.

2. F ← PRISM(F);

	These  four  primitives  are  called  the "sweep primitives",
because they form a simple polyhedron from a face in a  fashion  that
appears  like sweeping the face along. The sweep primitives (with the
exception of PYRAMID) do not change the location of  the  given  face
but  merely  copy  its perimeter, forming new faces and edges between
the old perimeter and the new perimeter.  The pyramid  primitive  has
already appeared as an example on page 29.

	Starting with a nine sided face lamina, the rocket in  figure
3.5 was formed from the bottom by sweeping two prism stages, then two
counter clockwise prismoid stages, and then  two  clockwise  prismoid
stages,  and finally one pyramid to form the nose cone. The fins were
made by prism sweeping every third face of the first stage.
SOLID PRIMITIVES. (continued).

5. ROTCOM(F);	Rotation Completion.

	As illustrated in the first three frames of figure 3.7 below,
wire faces can be swept to form a shell. When a wire face is swept by
a  sweep  primitive (other than pyramid) it is marked as a shell face
of rotation and its original perimeter count is kept for later sweeps
to  refer  to.    In the third frame the shell has been positioned so
that its slot can be seen. The shell face now includes all the  edges
of  both  pole  caps as well as the two meridians of the slot. ROTCOM
takes such a shell face and breaks it into two  polar  faces  and  as
many other faces as necessary, by means of the count that was saved.
Solid Primitives. (continued).


	These two primitives illustrate the extremes from a class  of
miscellaneous  primitives.  FVDUAL is a worthless curosity and MKCOPY
is quite useful but uninteresting. FVDUAL(B) of a  body  changes  all
the faces of a body into vertices and all the vertices into faces, in
the winged edge data structure this merely requires computing a locus
for  each face (its center), re-"typing" faces and vertices, and then
swapping the face and vertex link positions in each  face,  edge  and
vertex of the body.

	Figure   3.8   illustrates   Euclid's   construction   of   a
dodecahedron from a cube. The unit cube is formed, then all its edges
are  midpointed  and  translated  0.2  units  into the three pairs of
parallel faces; then the midpoints are lifted 0.3 units off the plane
of each face of the cube; then MKFE is applied six times to split the
eight sided faces  into  five  sided  faces;  giving  a  dodecahedron
(nearly  regular). Applying the FVDUAL to the dodecahedron yields the
Solid Primitives. (continued).

8.  EVERT(B);
9.  B1←BUN(B1,B2);
10. B1←BIN(B1,B2);

	These  three  primitives  perform  the  Boolean operations on
polyhedron interior volumes. EVERT(B) turns a body inside  out,  thus
changing  a cube into a room, as a solid into a bubble.  Objects with
infinite "interiors" are permissible; such polyhedra  are  impossible
in  many  classical  developements  of  solid Geometry which make the
interior of a polyhedron to  be  the  region  of  space  with  finite
volume,  by  definition.  The  body  union is BUN, which allows B1 to
survive if the interiors of the bodies are not disjoint. A body  with
two  disjoint  polyhedrons  is shunned. The body intersection is BIN,
which allows B1 to survive if the interiors of  the  bodies  are  not

  1. TRANSLATE(Q,R);	Q argument is a body, face, edge or vertex.
  2. ROTATE(Q,R);	R argument is a transformation array with
  3. DILATE(Q,R);	       respect to world coordinates.
  4. REFLECT(Q,R);

	The four Euclidean transformations are translation, rotation,
reflection  and  dilation; and as first mentioned in Klein's Erlangen
Program, 1872, these four primitives form a group. The primitives may
be  applied  to  bodies,  faces, edges or vertices in order to change
vertex world locii. Thus a body is the set of vertices in its  vertex
ring,  a face is the set of vertices on its perimeter, an edge is the
two vertices which are its ends, and a single vertex is  itself;  but
there  are  special  cases  having  to  do  with faces.  (In GEOMED a
special counter, negative Fcnt, is maintained in wire sweep faces  in
order to make solids of rotation). The second argument R is a pointer
to a transformation array in world coordinates of four rows and three
			IX,  IY,  IZ
			JX,  JY,  JZ
			KX,  KY,  KZ

For translation, only the XWC, YWC and ZWC are involved and  all  the
vertices are translated in the obvious fashion:

	X ← X + XWC;	Y ← Y + YWC;	Z ← Z + ZWC;

Whereas  for  rotation  (dilation  and  reflection)   the   innermost
computation applied to each vertex is:

	X ← X + XWC;	Y ← Y + YWC;	Z ← Z + ZWC;
	XX ← IX*X + IY*Y + IZ*Z;
	YY ← JX*X + JY*Y + JZ*Z;
	ZZ ← KX*X + KY*Y + KZ*Z;
	X ← XX - XWC;	Y ← YY - YWC;	Z ← ZZ - ZWC;

At this point,I should  now  present a  few  general  primitives  for
setting up such transformation arrays, but I don't have them yet. The
problem  involves  selecting  frames  of  references,   strength   of
transformation,  axes of transformations, origins of frames and modes
such  as  absolute,  relative  or  interpolated.  At  present  in  my
applications  these  matters  are  handled  ad  hoc (the most general
solution being the ROTDEL and  EUCLID  subroutines  of  GEOMED).  The
heart  of  deriving  a  transformation  array  is  to  get a frame of
reference REF and an amount of rotation DEL and to compute the matrix
		R ← (transpose(REF)cross(DEL cross REF));

For  dilation (larger or smaller) cross DEL with a non-unity diagonal
matrix; for reflections flip the row signs on desired axes.

     3.	OCCULT(WORLD);
*    6.	B2D ← MKB2D(WINDOW,WORLD);
*    7.	B2D ← CAREYE(TV);
	The single  application around  which the geometric  modeling
of  this paper  is being  built is for  a computer  television vision
system  for looking at  real world scenes.  I believe that  a
computer must  have a means  of representing  what it is  intended to
see  and further that the representation  must have (in principle) an
inverse relation to a television  image.  My first premise  is rarely
questioned,  the  second  premise  is  frequentlty questioned.    One
alternative position is  that so called  "features" can be  extracted
from an image and then used by a heuristic  problem solver to find an
association  between  the  perceived  features  and previous  general
knowledge; it is  then stated that there  is no need  to go from  the
general knowledge  or even from  the so called image  "features" back
down  to a television image, even just  in principle. I wish to state
the opposite,  there is a need to go  from the general representation
to  a television image  in order  to develop computer  vision without
having to solve  several other problems  of Artificial  Intelligence.
Applications  of  geometric modeling  other  than  television  vision
might   include:  architectural  drawing,   computer  animation,  and
modeling for laser, radar, and sonar image systems.
GEOMED - a drawing program.

	GEOMED,  Geometric  Model  Editor,  is for making and editing
polyhedra.  The  command  language  of  GEOMED  provides  the   Euler
primitives  in  the  context  of  a  push  down stack (the PADPDL) of
bodies, faces, edges and vertices. The  main  difference  between  an
interactive  program and a programming language being that the former
carries along a working context so that most arguments  and  data  do
not have to be explicitly named.

	V	-	make seminal vertex body.
	E	-	make edge and vertex.
	J	-	make edge and face.
	G	-	glue two faces.

	In addition to the stack, GEOMED provides frames of reference
for  the  Euclidean  transformations;  there  is  a world frame, body
frames, camera frames, relative frame  and  face  frames.   Also  the
strength  of  a Euclidean transformation can be halved or double, set
directly or entered  numerically  in  several  kinds  of  units.  And
finally  the transformation can be done once or repeatedily by keying
chords of Stanford's extra shift keys named "control" and "meta" with
a  ;  :  ( ) - or * character. These characters are not mnemonics but
were chosen because of thier positions on the keyboard.

	: ;	-	transform about X-axis.
	( )	-	transform about Y-axis.
	- *	-	transform about Z-axis.

		no shifts     -	TRANSLATION.
	α   -	control       -	ROTATION.
	β   -	meta          -	DILATION.
	ε   -	meta-control  -	REFLECTION.

	Finally,  GEOMED  provides access to all the solid primitives
and hidden line elimination,  along  with  commands  for  the  stack,
input,  output,  display,  and  switch  toggling.    The commands are
detailed in the operating note,  SAILON-68,  along  with  a  list  of
GEOMES  and  GEOMEL  subroutines.    Two  examples  should suffice to
illustrate how concise and illegible GEOMED command strings are:

1.	V:)\E;E(E:J↑/*S-↑		forms a cube.
2.	V:@E*E*E*E*E*E*E*J↑!
	\\:@S)S)S)S)S)S)S)S)G↑		forms a torus.

Thus  a polyhedron can be represented in a few characters (which must
be  compiled);  one  might  hope  that  such  a  "representation   by
generation"  could  provide  a  link  between  semantic and geometric
models. The hard direction is to get from a polyhedron model  to  the
command string.
OCCULT - a hidden line eliminator.

	OCCULT is a hidden line eliminator; it is neither  a  Watkins
nor  a Warnock algorithm but is rather a throw-back to the naive idea
of comparing each edge with all the other edges and  having  ways  to
dampen the potentially large number of comparisons that might occur.

	There are three kinds of dampening in OCCULT. The first (used
in other hidden eliminators) is to get rid of  the  faces  that  have
their  backs  to  the camera and to consider for comparision only the
edges with one potentially visible face.    These  edges  are  called
"folds".  The  second  kind  of  dampening,  is  to  hide  everything
connected to the hidden portion of an edge when a  fold  crossing  is
discovered, this is made possible by the winged edge primitives which
allow polyhedron surfaces to be easily traversed  topologically;  and
by  the  Euler primitives which allows the edges to be quickly broken
into visible and hidden portions without losing their  topology.  The
third  kind  of dampening involves having a raster of edge buckets to
localize the comparisons.

	The reason for doing hidden line elimination in this  fashion
is  to  get  the topology of the image regions and edges in a modeled
scene including the shadows. OCCULT was used  to  make  some  of  the
figures  that  appeared  earlier  in  this paper; for example the arm
model in figure 1.2, (which required twelve seconds of PDP-10 compute
time).  A  paper  on OCCULT should be available before the end of the
year, 1972.

IV. C. Vision:   CAREYE - a video region-edge finder.

	CAREYE,  Cart  Eye,  is the oldest, most rewritten, yet least
finished part of the application. At present its  best  trick  is  to
take  a  Television image and convert it into video intensity contour
lines similar to those discussed by Krakaur  and  Horn  (of  M.I.T.).
From  VIC,  Video  Intensity  Contours,  the  image  goes through two
processes: first, the  camera  locus-orientation  for  the  image  is
solved  by  finding  feature points in the image that coorespond with
known land mark point in the world; and second, after the  camera  is
solved,the  locus  of previously unknown regions of the image must be
added to the world model; the third dimension of such unknown regions
being assumed to be very large, until evidence is found in succeeding
images that make the region "pop out" of the  background.  These  two
processes  are  called  Camera  Locus Solving and Body Locus Solving;
CAMLS and BODLS; and are  the  missing  links  in  making  polyhedron
models merely by looking at objects and scenes of objects.